19. Book 2: Chapter 10: Luther and the Elector – Duke George – Luther at Court – Dinner at Court – Emser’s Supper

History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century
History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century
19. Book 2: Chapter 10: Luther and the Elector - Duke George - Luther at Court - Dinner at Court - Emser's Supper

19. Book 2: Chapter 10: Luther and the Elector – Duke George – Luther at Court – Dinner at Court – Emser’s Supper

The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, by Jean-Henri Merle d’Aubigné, is a classic work on the great events that re-opened the Christian gospel to a needy world. It tells of how the twenty-year-old Martin Luther, browsing through books in the library at the University of Erfurt, takes down from the shelf a particular volume that has caught his interest. He has never seen anything like it. It is a Bible! He is astonished to find in this volume so much more than the fragments of gospels and epistles that were selected for public reading in churches. He had believed that these constituted all there was of the word of God. But here he has discovered, in its entirety, the inspired book from which they came. And it was this discovery, in a dusty university library, that changed the course of history.
D’Aubigné tells the story of outstanding people who had a love for God and his word, and who dared to present biblical truths which had been obscured for centuries. The book has helped and encouraged Christians through difficult times, and given them an understanding of the background from which our freedom in the faith has come.
The author was a Swiss Protestant pastor. He was also a historian with a great understanding of the Bible, along with a broad and deep knowledge of the Reformation. This great work of his is made up of five volumes. Volume 1, the subject of this recording, comprises four books: Book 1 – State of Matters before the Reformation; Book 2 – Youth, Conversion, and First Labours of Luther (1483-1517); Book 3 – The Indulgences and Theses; Book 4 – Luther before the Legate (May-December 1518).

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